
The Stillwater Ryūkyū Bujutsu Kenkyūkai is a community dōjō nestled in the bucolic township of Stillwater, New Jersey. We are dedicated to the exploration, study, and advancement of classical Okinawan martial arts. Our training methodology adheres to traditional principles, emphasizing the development of the body, mind, and spirit. Free from commercial and competitive influences, our focus is on personal growth and mutual respect among practitioners.

With a lineage deeply rooted in the Naha-te tradition of Okinawa, our authenticity can be traced back over five generations. As the only Jundōkan International affiliated club and one of two RBKD-affiliated clubs in the state, we provide personalized instruction in Gōjū-ryū karate and Yamanni Chinen-ryū kobujutsu. Our classes encompass an in-depth study of classical kata and their practical self-preservation techniques, complemented by a range of exercises designed to improve strength, agility, and endurance. We warmly welcome individuals from diverse backgrounds, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. However, students aged 14 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian actively involved in training.

We firmly believe in the value of hard work and collective effort to truly grasp the depth of our art. Our group is inherently social, fostering a friendly atmosphere both inside and outside the dōjō. We organize social events throughout the year, including post-training gatherings and occasional seminars.

Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a beginner, we welcome you to contact us if you seek a time-honored approach to the challenges presented by classical martial arts.

Samuel Wykoff
Chief Instructor, SRBK

 Copyright © 2022, Samuel Wykoff, All Rights Reserved