Contact Us

The Stillwater Ryūkyū Bujutsu Kenkyūkai is an authentic karate dōjō located in the heart of Stillwater, New Jersey. We train often and regularly in the arts of Okinawan Gōjū-ryū karate and Yamanni Chinen-ryū kōbujutsu and welcome all who are interested.

For any inquiries or questions about our training, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Samuel Wykoff
Chief instructor, SRBK

Phone: +1 (973) 383-9208

For a prompt response, contact us using the form below.


“The dōjō is a place where courage is fostered, and superhuman nature is bred through the ecstasy of sweat and hard work.”

- Nagamine Shōshin (1907-1997)